Thursday, June 30, 2005

A mind opens

Just created my first link(crudely but effectively, I hope). I was just browsing last night and came across this piece. Very arresting, particularly the part where this young woman talks about the type of believers (her) God wants. If a mind can open in that kind of environment, after having been nutured in the way this woman's was, there is some small hope for humankind.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Free speech

Since 1789, there have been more than 11,000 attempts in Congress to amend the Constitution; only 27 amendments have won ratification. (from the YAHOO newsboard)

The most recent of a spate of attempts to amend the Constitution to prohibit flag burning seems destined to pass. Post 9/11 pressure, and some strategic Republican electoral wins have given this initiative the necessary oomph to prevail over sensible legislative scrutiny that has prevented 10,973 other misguided attempts to change the fabric of our national identity.
Emotion prevails, pundits wail and an impressionable public that never seems to learn from past abuses opens wide and swallows. Let's all stop being whores to manipulative, self-serving pols(to follow the dirty joke vein I'm mining). Let's be nice girls and spit the jizz of spurious, nonvalid legislative efforts right back on their collective laps!
We defend far worse things(IMHO) in the name if First Amendment protection than the act of flag burning. This smacks of cold war, red scare, commie hunting behavior, that we should have outgrown. The flag is a symbol(albeit a powerful one) pure and simple. If someone defaces or destroys it as an act of protest or defiance, I may not appreciate the gesture, but I don't take it as a personal affront. We're wasting far too much valuable time exercising ourselves over things of no consequence.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Dynasty?! I'm movin' to Canada

This is gonna be short, 'cause I only heard it in passing. I heard the other day that Bush, Sr. wanted to see Jeb elected to the presidency to cement his family's dynasty. Talk about royalist tendencies in the Republican Party, sheesch! That would be the final insult, electing the man who presided over one of the most egregious voter frauds in U.S. history to the presidency:^(
'Scuse me while I hurl.....................................