Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Those who forget history........................

Nothing too coherent here, just some ruminations. A coworker's daughter(freshman-HS) interviewed me last evening concerning my memories of the Iran/Contra Affair. In preparation, I read a synopsis on http://wikipedia and followed links where my curiosity led. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.............................:^(
Then, later, I happened on a documentary about the Vietnam War. More specifically, the Nixon Vietnamization policy that resulted in incursions into Laos and Cambodia, the carpet bombing of Cambodia which indiscriminately killed hundreds of thousands of Cambodian civilians, our perverse support of the Khmer Rouge which allowed them to kill over a million more of their countrymen/women/children.
Emma Lazarus' words(http://thenewcolossus) at Liberty's feet are obscured by the blood spilt in our efforts to proselytize "democracy" to the world. In general, I am not proud to be an American.

1 comment:

Ankh said...

For those of you who've tried my feeble attempts at creating links, sorry. At least they will serve as indicators of where to look to flesh out my ramblings.