Wednesday, April 06, 2005

If you can't beat the system, kill the messenger

This isn't a new issue, but recent events have brought it afresh to my attention. What right does someone who's run afoul of, or feel they've been abused by the courts have to kill the judge who's passed sentence? ...............................of course it's a rhetorical question, but that's why we ask these, to stimulate discourse.
White supremicist Matt Hale(yes, he who bloodied York's pedestrian mug by picking us to host one of his hate rallies) has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for trying to contract for the killing of a federal judge. The same federal judge(bizarrely) who was killed by a derranged and unsuccessful complainant in a medical malpractice lawsuit.
Now, disgruntled legislators who got beat at their own game by the courts are spewing inflammatory rhetoric at the bench that further feeds the fires of anarchic zeal. All the usual suspects are featured, Santorum, DeLay. Frist is carefully distancing himself.
I can't quite read through all the smoke where this is leading, but it's really disturbing. Anyone care to pick up the thread?

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