Wednesday, April 06, 2005

On another subject.....................

Your wife, daughter, mother has been raped. Medical science has developed a safe method to assure that there will be no risk of pregnancy from this act. Your family physician perscribes the medicine. When you reach the pharmacy, the pharmacist informs you that, due to his religious convictions he can/will not fill the perscription. Further, he will not refer you to someone else who might.
One of the central tenets of health care is that you do not impose your personal beliefs on those under your care. If you can't do that, you should find another line of work.
In yet another instance of legislative overreaching, lawmakers in Texas, and other states are trying to pass statutes to protect pharmacists who refuse to dispense RU486 and other such "morning after pills" to patients.
I appreciate the strength and depth of others' convictions, but "your right to throw your fist stops at my nose".

1 comment:

Ankh said...

Wow ataboy!;
So, you've had extensive experience in this arena, sorry:^(
You just reiterated every major horror story I've heard about this general subject.
I should have given the caveat on my initial post that I was echoing a peculiarly American sentiment.
So much to discuss, so little time................