Saturday, August 06, 2005


Hey y'all;
Wife and I spent a very enjoyable evening south of the border at the American VisionaryArt Museum near Inner Harbor. Lots of fantastic nonconformist art. The capper appeared in the museum's gift shop. Among other interesting and entertaining things was a picture of Dubya wearing a sandwich board which said, "Will kill for oil". Made me smile. I tried to recreate it using the computer, but am just not savvy enough. Anyone care to give it a try............Geo?
Also, I immensely enjoyed the snippet of the interview show I saw yesterday where James Carville got Robert Novak to self-destruct. Don't particularly love Carville, but I admire his style. Don't particularly hate Novak, but I dislike his pole-up-the-ass conservativism(hope I'm characterizing him right).

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