Monday, March 28, 2005


We have a Borders Books near where we live and they often have local artist and musicians play from time to time. Recently, they invited a local artist to display some of her art. Unfortunately, some of it offended a few patrons and the manger decided to remove it from the display.

Our local paper had a column on the whole thing, and I tend to agree with the guy writing, but I think the manager at Borders has to make a decision. He needs to decide whether he wants to display art or not display art. Art can be good, bad and/or controversial and in my opinion- good art is controversial once and awhile. That's what makes it art. It makes you think. Perish the thought.

This person got themselves all worked up and wrote in to the paper. Somehow they glossed over one important detail; Borders Books is a private business on private property. They can do whatever they damn well please as long as they don't violate any laws. If you don't like it-vote with your dollars.

Personally? I think the manager at Borders needs to get a set of balls. I saw the picture in question and I thought it was well done but I disagree with some of it's premise. That's my opinion and that's why it's called art.

1 comment:

Ankh said...

Right on Geo! I saw this and let it slide without commenting, but you're spot on in your opinion(in my opinion;^).
It appears the THREAT of speaking with one's dollars is enough to scare merchants into behaving the way you want if you're inclined to want to stifle free speech.
I'm with the letter writer........when did I stop living in America?
Quote for the day ffom A Word A Day: Unless we respect the right of free speech of those we despise, we have no respect for free speech. Noam Chomsky