Thursday, March 24, 2005

Tragicomedian Jeb Bush and his schizoid behavior in the Schiavo case

I'm way past ready to lay this to rest, but it just keeps getting more and more surreal. Defender of life Jeb Bush tried to ram a bill through the Florida legislature making it illegal to remove a feeding tube from any persistently vegetative patient. Meanwhile, he was backing a neurologist who insisted that Terri Schiavo was not in a persistent vegetative state, but "minimally conscious"(believe me, it's an esoteric distinction). Therefore, said bill would not have protected Schiavo.......................................d'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ankh said...

Re: Rick "Sanctimonium", be scared, be very scared.........

The Donut Guy said...

Ya wanna know what's more scary then Rick?

Jeb Bush running for President in 2008. There is no way I wanna have a president with the name "Jeb"

Ankh said...

Re: a persident named Jeb, works on West Wing.............kidding, kidding, no reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally kidding:^)