Sunday, March 20, 2005

Medical decisions and politics: addendum

Just an additional observation. Bill Frist is also weighing in on this. He should be doubly ashamed. As a physician, he should know full well and respect Michael Sciavo's privacy.
Shame, shame, shame.


The Donut Guy said...

Hey guys, while I haven't spent much time with anyone that is cliniclly bread dead, my wife has.

In fact-she is going to Memorial this morning to spend some time with the mother of one of her clients who is brain dead.

Janet thought the decision was always cut and dry, but this time she is really torn about advising the person on what to do. The clients mother has lost her husband, mother and another sibling in the past year.

It's not cut and dry all the time. Although I think the Federal Government should stay the hell out of it.

Ankh said...

Agreed. It's cut and dried very little of the time, but we can all do a lot while we're alive to make it moreso for those we leave behind. Compose a Living Will. Designate someone you trust to be your proxy as Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions, someone who will have the courage of YOUR convictions, not their's or someone else's.